Residential Structural Inspection | EF Douglas & Associates
A residential structural inspection done by a structural engineer to verify the structural soundness of a building’s weight-bearing elements, such as the frame, foundation, beams, columns, posts, or trusses, often takes the form of a visual inspection. When a homeowner or landowner is uncertain about a building or structure’s structural soundness, they have it done. This could comprise a review of a particular building element or a comprehensive investigation of the entire structure. Justifications for requiring a civil engineering inspection include foundation bowing or cracking, Wall settlement or fractures, adding solar panels to a roof, taking down a wall during a makeover, or building a second floor. A standard house inspection is not the same as a residential structural engineering inspection. A general inspection includes checking the HVAC system, inside plumbing, and electrical systems, inspecting floors, windows, and doors and even checking the founda...